Peter Dicken

Pub Date: 11/2010
Pages: 632

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Peter Dicken

Welcome to the Companion Website for the sixth edition of Dicken, Global Shift.

A magnificent achievement … an essential companion for anyone concerned to understand the rapid geographical shifts occurring in the world’s economic power relations in these stressful and troubled times.’
David Harvey, CUNY Graduate Center, New York

Global Shift, sixth edition, continues to deconstruct globalization to show that distance (economic geography) still matters, Dicken uses insights from international business research to demonstrate that world business activity is more regional than global. Multinational enterprises are at the hub of global production networks and service delivery; they interact with governments and generally act as agents of economic development. In short economic geography and international business are closely aligned in their approach to globalization.
Alan Rugman, Henley Business School, University of Reading
A masterful new edition of a masterful text. Once again, Peter Dicken is at the cutting edge of the analysis of economic globalization and global trends. Global Shift is the authoritative text on these issues.
David Held, Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, LSE

The website for the sixth edition has been expanded to offer tailored resources for lecturers and students in Geography, International Business, Sociology and Politics. Online readings from SAGE Journals have been provided for each discipline, in addition to the resources designed for all of Global Shift’s users.

Many thanks to Henry Yeung, Paul James, Fiona Moore and Matthew Caygill for their contributions to the website material for the sixth edition.


About the Book
This section contains details about the new edition and its author.

Along the left hand side of this page, you will see tabs linking you to lecturer and student resources for all users. Brand new additional resources for Geography, International Business, Sociology and Politics have also been developed with this edition. Click on a tab to take you to resources tailored to your discipline, but also feel free to browse through the resources for other disciplines, as these may be helpful for you too.